Thursday 13 November 2014

November 13, "the strange and awful hour"


Marilyn wrote me this email on November 13, 2012:

For Jonathan's s birthday dinner on Thursday, I was going to boil some store bought noodles, when Jonathan said he'd really prefer the homemade noodles!  Bill mixed up Aunty's recipe for Kisto!  Now Eleanor, keep in mind that Bill is an engineer and there is no, and I mean "no", playing around with recipes!

We hauled out the pasta mixer, thinking that Mom would think this was the marvel of marvel appliances and then, with the incredibly soft dough, were unable to put it through the pasta mixer! It bunched up at the bottom!

The proportions of water, eggs, and flour vary greatly between cooks!  Mrs. B.’s recipe (Mom's friend) even has 1/4 cup more water. There doesn't seem to be any rule!

So I rolled out the dough and Bill and I cut the noodles " free style”.  Jonathan raved about the noodles!
Jonathan's daughter

The next morning, we rolled out the rest of the dough and with tons of flour on the mixer and lightly sprinkled on the sheets of dough, we were successful in making fettucini. Maryan, who was home for the holidays, gladly took the dried noodles home.

Everlasting memory - вічна пам'ять (vichna pam'yatʹ) Aunty Mary.


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