Saturday 11 August 2018

"Crotcheting between jobs" and . . . PARSLEY DRESSING for Salads or Pizza

August 17, 1989:  38 cent stamp
I been making holoptsy today.  Yesterday I made pyrogies but they are almost all gone as I fed the men yesterday.   And today for supper I would have fed the holoptsy but it rained where they were swathing so they went home. 

Clayton got a job for 2 weeks on the rig so George will be himself.  It will be hard on him with moving implements and walking back for the truck.  He’s done a lot of that.  Unless Lee will help now as he’s going to college in Sept.  Now he works some days at the garage. 
George is quite worried about the crop.  It’s poor this year.  It was nice but those hot days took almost half of the crop.  Lorne’s is insured and so is in Solsgirth but not at home. 

Douglas will be finished working this weekend and then a bit of holiday and back to school.   
I picked some cucumbers today, will dill them tomorrow.  I been crocheting between jobs but I rested some as I didn’t feel the very best today. 

My glasses are not too bad since I got used to them.  I will get another pair in Jan.  That’s when I am supposed to get a new pair.  Med care sure don’t pay much.  They sent me $34.00 out of $238.00 so it’s not worth to say they pay.  The way that guy was talking I was to believe it be much more.  In fact last time I got $48 and the glasses were $152.00.

Donald is combining.  He has a lot done.  Karen helps hauling grain.

Matt & Shirley went to gardens.  There is about 30 or more mile.  They bought cucumbers, few cabbage, and 2 cabbage for me, and 25 for George. 
I haven’t been going to town for a while.  May go next Thursday as it’s Senior Citizen’s day.  I need a few things in there. 
It’s thundering and lightning but no rain.  Maybe just as well as now we need dry weather.
I have finished the quilts.  There is one bag missing that I had some place.  Plaid cloth and green print piece.  I don’t seem to find it.  Likely when I am not looking it will turn up.  But now I can’t think where it can be.


I know that feeling!


1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup lemon juice with pulp
1 clove garlic minced
1 cup firmly packed parsley (remove stems)
1/4 tsp Tabasco or other hot sauce

Blend in food processor.
Serve 2 or 3 tablespoons on salad with a tablespoon of a regular vinaigrette dressing.  I used it with the Cranberry Juice Salad Dressing I already blogged.  

Or spread it on pizza dough as the first topping.  

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