Tuesday, 23 March 2021

HOARDING! Echoes from the Past. . . and LIME PICKLE

My friend, Gale, and her daughter, Regan

I met Gale in New Delhi so when I came across this picture, I went back to a journal I kept at that time.

Glancing at a diary entry I made in December, 1971, just after the outbreak of the war between India and Pakistan, this leapt out at me.    

Gale and I went to the American commissary.  The men were told at a meeting that hoarding was “just not on.”

One country, in particular, was called to order by the Americans.   It wasn't Canada.


Mary Atwood put a recipe for LIME CURRY in with her section on Vegetables  (p. 127) but when I finally tried it I was delighted to find that it was actually a pickle!  the pickle you often find with the other condiments at the end of a buffet table in an Indian restaurant!
     It's a bit of an acquired taste as it's bitter but I really like it now. 
     Having made it, I built a menu around it as follows:

 Chicken with Spicy Coconut Milk Gravy from

   Sweet and Sour Acorn Squash: GOOD COOKING FROM INDIA, p. 157

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