Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Remembering GEORGE on his birthday . . . and Oven-Barbecued Spareribs

One of the best things about getting together with family is talking about the old days.  One time, George told us a story about how he and Donald used to go trapping.  He said traps used to be very cheap.

I asked George how he and Donald learned how to trap.  He said mostly by trying but Dad knew a bit.  Dad told them never to break into a muskrat’s house with an axe; always use a spade.  Then you leave the trap inside and fill in the hole you made.  The muskrat is away swimming.  When he comes home, the trap is waiting.  

Once, they left the tractor on a neighbor’s yard when they went to check their traps.  They came back carrying over 300 muskrats but the tractor wouldn’t start.   Then they noticed that the wiring had been all changed.  The neighbor took an ax after Donnie over a muskrat house because he said it was on his property even though it was on the road allowance.  "And he buggered up the tractor.”

They had to carry the muskrats all the way home on foot.

George's daughter, Naomi, wrote:
I set this day aside for memories. As today or yesterday would've been his birthday. As you question why I would say today or yesterday of course with my dad there's always a story to go with it.
We would wish him happy birthday on the 27th and he would say no it's tomorrow. We wish him a happy birthday on the 28th and say no you missed it it was yesterday.
The story was told that when he was born Gido had to walk to town to register him and that he was celebrating the birth of his son and when he got to town he made a mistake on the day that he was born when he was registered.

Dad you will always be missed and your memories will always stay with me and that is something nobody can ever take from me.


Some people don't like spareribs that have been boiled and then barbecued, but the only way I don’t really love spareribs is if they’re covered with one of those sweet, red Barbecue sauces.  

Here’s a great recipe for piquant ribs :  I think George would have liked them.   


            Easy and delicious!

4 to 6 lbs spareribs
1 cup cold double-strength coffee
½ cup molasses
1 tbsp Worcester shire sauce
½ cup cider vinegar
¼ cup Dijon mustard
2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp chili powder (not cayenne)

·        Preheat oven to 350.
·        Place spareribs on a rack in a roasting pan and bake 45 min.
·        Meanwhile, bring to a boil all the other ingredients in a saucepan.
·        Remove spareribs from oven and put into a 13x9 pan.
·        Pour sauce over top.

·        Bake 45 minutes.  Yum!

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